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Spanking Den * Spanking Discussion Area * March - April 2006 * How do you explain < Previous Next >

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Advanced Spanko
Username: Redhinney

Post Number: 317
Registered: 10-2005
Posted on Tuesday, March 14, 2006 - 05:40 pm:   Edit Post

As embrsassing as this is I really need advice. As some of you know Bill and I work together in the company that I own (I hold 60% of he shares and he holds the rest) so we are together 24/7. I really do love it but there are times like now that are very hard. I have had a lot of stress in the last 3 months 2 major accounts came on board and it really takes about 90-100 days for the transfere from the old company to the new company so to say that the transfer went smoothly would be one big fat lie. SO needI say that for last couple of weeks I have been a brat with a capital B. I even asked for stress relief spankings so much that Bill thinks weekly just in case spanking may be needed. Now that you all have a good idea of the background lets move forward to this week end. On saturady we did a great stress relief spanking and sex. I thought I was fine but by sunday I was cranky, still tried and a bit of a brat. Need I tell you I push Bill just a tiny bit to far and I found myself over his knee again but instead of letting it be over once the spanking stop he told me to go to bed and stay there until he said I could get out. I can't rememeber the last time he sent me to bed as punishment. At this point I was just to tired to fight anymore so up I went. i thought after an hour he would say to come down. my girlfriend called around 4:30 and he told her that he sent me to bed and that I would not be at our usually Sunday afternoon coffee hour. She laughs and hangs up the phone ( this is the same friend who wanted the Koolaid spoon but Bill said no becasue he like the faces on my ass) Today my friend calls and wanted to know if my nap time was over and is there something she should know. I mean she really was pushing for an answer. kept asking what did Bill mean he sent you to bed. Well I couldn't really say that my husband discplines me when needed and he felt I needed to go to bed because I was cranky. I tried to laugh it off but she woukdn't let it drop finally I had to get back to work but I know that it will come up again. It's not like you can just say oh by the way he spanks me soemtime for pleasure and sometimes for discpline. We have been friends since I was 5 years old so she is really close to me and very important almost as close as I think a sister would be (don't have any so I don't know).
As far as the punsihment went Bill didn't allow me out of bed at all He brought something for me to eat later and every night this week I have to be in bed by 9:30 with lights out by 10:00 and I better be a sleep by 10:30 or else (what exactly that means I don't know)

My problem is the fact that Bill did what he did but I now need to explain it to some one.

ANy help anyone can give would be great.
Love can't always be seen or heard but will always be felt with your heart
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Moderator/Spanking Aficionado
Username: Fanny

Post Number: 2036
Registered: 05-2005

Posted on Tuesday, March 14, 2006 - 05:54 pm:   Edit Post

My opinion is that unless you feel comfortable with sharing this part of your life, don't explain anything. Many times we DO get cranky when we} are tired and you don't need to explain why you needed to take a nap. People sometimes just get nosy or maybe she is concerned about your safety. If it is the latter, let her know by your attitude that things are great between you and your husband. Otherwise, just avoid the questions by joking about it. Do you think she may be a closet spanko?

P.S. I don happen to know what "or else" means!
Queen of Innocence

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New member
Username: Carly

Post Number: 34
Registered: 12-2005
Posted on Tuesday, March 14, 2006 - 06:09 pm:   Edit Post

I agree with what Fanny said. Sometimes things are just better left unsaid. I don't think I could tell anyone that my husband disciplines me. I don't think they would believe it if I told them anyways.


Good Luck I hope it all goes well for you!
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Advanced Spanko
Username: Pagan

Post Number: 357
Registered: 05-2005

Posted on Tuesday, March 14, 2006 - 06:27 pm:   Edit Post

I wouldn't tell.

I would laughingly say that you were tired and crabby, and he bullied you into taking a nap. Then I'd smile and move on.

My best friend is like a sister to me. We've also been friends since 5. In some ways, we know more about each other than our spouses.

Would I tell her that Squire spanks me? NOT A CHANCE.
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Username: Jasmine_1958

Post Number: 52
Registered: 02-2006
Posted on Tuesday, March 14, 2006 - 07:53 pm:   Edit Post

I have a friend like that as well. She sometimes tries to ask things a little too close to home, and I just laugh and move on...change the subject, so to speak. She'll get it after awhile and quit asking. I also get sent to bed quite regularly. He says he's saving my butt from being sore. Nice guy!
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Username: Reader_girl

Post Number: 90
Registered: 07-2005
Posted on Tuesday, March 14, 2006 - 07:55 pm:   Edit Post

I'm friends with vanilla couples who send each other to bed when they get cranky. I wouldn't worry about explaining the discipline to her. Just let her know that your husband cares about you so much that he wories when you don't get enough sleep.

Maybe she's worried that you're sick (or pregnant) and not sharing it with her, and that's why she's pushing. She probably just wants to know that you're okay.
Reader Girl
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Advanced Spanko
Username: Beachley

Post Number: 320
Registered: 04-2005

Posted on Tuesday, March 14, 2006 - 08:00 pm:   Edit Post

I would also not tell unless she confides in you that she is interested in spanking and indulging in TTWD herself, which is a possibility hence her interest.

But until she discloses anything I'd just say hey I was out of sorts and tired, just tell her you needed some hard earned rest that you deserved.
The Spice of Life is having my OWN WAY!! A spanking would be nice.
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Moderator/Spanking Aficionado
Username: Wolfie

Post Number: 1394
Registered: 04-2005

Posted on Tuesday, March 14, 2006 - 08:45 pm:   Edit Post

Personally, I think Bill is brilliant! Sending you to bed as chastisement...Steve would probably make sure I slept on my tummy each night as well!

Red, go into a big long explanation about all the stress and hassles at work. How tired you've been, overworked, cranky, etc. By the time you get to the part about Bill sending you to bed for a much needed nap, her eyes will have glazed over and she'll gladly accept your explanation.
If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you.

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Username: Bratattitude

Post Number: 10
Registered: 10-2005
Posted on Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - 01:02 am:   Edit Post

I have to agree with everyone here...just smile and say he got you to nap. Why try and explain. I have tried explaining it to Vanilla people and while a few understood it most don't. My sister in law is actually my best friend - we married brothers and they know about our lifestyle...but even though they have lived with it for years they still don't understand it per se... they just know it works for us and leave it at that. :-)
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Advanced Spanko
Username: Ftopinmichigan

Post Number: 521
Registered: 09-2005

Posted on Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - 06:31 am:   Edit Post

I actually think there's another issue here to deal with, Red.

How about Bill keeping your situation to yourselves? Why is he now finding the need to tell others of your predicaments? Is he delighting in humiliating you now, for some reason? Is it perhaps that your business success is too much for him, and he's finding little ways to pull you down?

I'd be concerned, and talk to him, if I were you. Something's not sounding right, to me.

You've been in this type of DD relationship for "many" years, and only now he's feeling the need to tell others, or hint to them of your punishments. Why now? Why with "your" friends? And what is he telling "his" friends? It seems he's being quite deliberate in exposing you.

I'd want to know what's up with "him."


PS Oh, and I'm thinking even "I" would enjoy being sent to bed early on hard work days! And served dinner in bed...would be heaven.
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Advanced Spanko
Username: Shylah

Post Number: 716
Registered: 10-2005

Posted on Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - 02:24 pm:   Edit Post

It could be that your friend already suspects what is going on.

Offer the explaination that you were overtired and he got you to go lie down. If she persists...ask HER why does she want to know? Turn the tables. Get her to tell you why she is so courious.
Take my heart and soul. But please don't step on it, it breaks easily.
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Advanced Spanko
Username: Redhinney

Post Number: 318
Registered: 10-2005
Posted on Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - 05:34 pm:   Edit Post

Thanks everyone Last night when I went to lay down last night at 9:15 Bill followed shortly after it was great he just laid there holding me and rubbing my back and butt. I fell asleep before 10:00. I just love it when he holds me until I fall a sleep.

This afternoon I ordered lunch in for us and locked my office door for us to talk. Bill of course made a joke about us having sex on the sofa in the office. It wouldn't be the frist time and I'm sure there will be many more ahead. I asked him if he was happy with the way things were going at the company and if he could make changes what would they be. At frist he didn't answer and finally he said that he wished that I learn how to delagate more. He would like it if I didn't feel the need to be personally involved with every single client. I have some of the best people in the industry working for me and he feels that I under use them. Also he would like me not to take work home anymore. I have so many people who can do it but I have been checking everyones work. Really a bad thing for a owner and boss to do because it lets people think I don't trust them to do the job right. The real reason is that I somewhat feel that this business is my baby and it is hard to let my baby grow up. Bill is right I have to learn to delagrate more. I start slowly until I get use to it. Oh yeah that day will come NOT.
The bed time thing was because for the last 3 months or so I have been staying up past midnight and then getting up in the middle of the night because i forgot to check something. He doesn't think I am getting enough sleep. Considering I have lupus sleep is very important and when I don't get enough I tend to get sick.

I asked him if he was afraid or threathen by the success of the company. The look on his face was priceless. he started to laugh so hard I thought he would have a heart attack. His answer was " First I should spank you for even thinking that and second Baby your success has always been my success." Knowing my husband as well as I do he really means it. Bill has always been my biggest fan and gets a big kick out of the little things that happen so the big things are just wonderful. He always manages to buy me a wonderful piece of jewlary for big things that happen. Don;t know hiw he manages but he does.

I did ask him why all of a sudden did he need a mentor and why my friend got the impression that he had "ordered" me to bed. Well here is the big surprise. His mentor has known about our lifestyle for the last 8 years. That's right folks 8 years. The change in our lifestyle is because it is something that we have discussed but because of our different schedules were never able to get together the way we both wanted it to go. It's just within the last year or so that timetables have meshed,I have always been very submissive so him pushing more in direction of a D/S relationship is fine with me I have said this in past post and I still mean it. It was a stroke of faith that i found out about "Sam" when I did. as for my friend she asked him how did you get her to lay down and he answered I order her and started to laugh as he said it. My friends know that I am a very bad sleeper and practically need to be restrainted in the bed to get rest. I had major suregery 8 hours in the OR and wanted to go home that night didn't matter to me if my stomach was killing me I was done laying in the bed.

As far as telling my friend I think I will just ask her what she needs to know I am fine not sick and happy what more can a friend want. If she pushes more I just say soemthing like "Yeah isn't funny me taking a nap." Hopefully it will stop.

I think this was a good thing that happen because it jsut proves that even after 25 years there are bumps in the road that need to worked out.

Thanks everyone for your advice and thoughts.
Love can't always be seen or heard but will always be felt with your heart
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Username: Reader_girl

Post Number: 93
Registered: 07-2005
Posted on Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - 07:20 pm:   Edit Post

An excellent example of good communication, Red. Thanks for sharing it all with us, we can learn a lot from each other.
Reader Girl

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